İngilizce Seviye Belirleme Sınavı No:7

Choose the correct answer.

1. You were at school yesterday, _____?

2. Did you watch this film last night?

3. What can Remzi do?

4. What were you last year?

5. Where was Tuna last week?

6. Are you taller than your brother?

7. What was your high school teacher’s name?

8. Can Selim tidy up his room?

9. What are you doing now?

10. What would Sıla like to wear for the party?

11. What does your friend say in the morning?

12. What’s the matter with you?

13. Are you a dentist?

14. What did you use to do ten years ago?

15. What will you do tomorrow?

16. Were you tired last night?

17. What has Marry got?

18. What does Ali like doing?

19. Who was the founder of the ottomon Empire?

20. What do you think about Sam?

21. Who is the oldest person in your family?

22. Where did you go last weekend?

23. Whose dress is more beautiful than Ayşe’s dress?

24. Sinem is very ill, _____?

25. What does Suna have to do ?

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