8. Sınıf İngilizce 6. Ünite Testi

Choose the correct answer.

1. If you want to be healthy ______.

2. I am fat. I have a problem ______ my weight.

3. She is smiling. She ______ happy.

4. You have a backache. You should ______.

5. When ______ she ______ there?

6. This meal tastes ______.

7. I feel ______ I am crying.

8. Flowers ______ good.

9. A: I want to be a good teacher.
B: You should ______.

10. I am ______ I feel terrible.

11. ______ You should work in your spare time.

12. Macaroni ______ delicious. You should try it.

13. If you want to be successful, you should ______.

14. What ______ your father ______ in America?

15. Angela ______ look very happy.

16. I can’t buy these shoes. They look ______.

17. Rock music ______ great.

18. I can’t stop ______ chocolates.

19. I’m working in my spare time. I need ______.

20. She has got a sore throat. She ______ cold water.

Benzer İngilizce Testler


ilknur y. 6 Mart 2017 19:16

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