8. Sınıf İngilizce 3. Ünite Testi

Choose the correct answer.

1. A student must ________ on schooldays.

2. You always ________ two times a year.

3. If you are late, ________.

4. You must ________ at the green light

5. She will ________ her holiday in Antalya.

6. We ________ to the cinema if Aysu ________.

7. You get ________ when you divide fifteen by three.

8. What do you do if you feel hungry?

9. I will ________ the Topkapı Palace in İstanbul.

10. If you go to bed late, ________.

11. If we don’t have ________, we will ________

12. ________ if the weather is hot.

13. When you eat more vegetables, ________.

14. If this dress is too expensive, ________.

15. She will take an aspirin if ________.

16. What do you have to wear when you go to school?

17. If the water boils, ________.

18. ________ when an accident happens.

19. If he mixes blue and yellow, he ________.

20. You ________ if your friend sleeps

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