7. Sınıf İngilizce 13. Ünite Testi (Technology) 12

Doğru seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

1. We __________ news from all over the world on TV.

2. Technology makes people __________ .

3. They usually use a __________ for cutting things.

4. Planes are __________ than buses.

5. You __________ a research on the Internet.

6. You use a __________ to listen to music.

7. A calculator is __________ than a laptop.

8. He always uses his __________ to communicate each other.

9. __________ is for getting imformation.

10. __________ is the fastest search engine on the Internet.

11. Technology makes the environment __________ .

12. We use a __________ for changing TV channels.

13. If you use a mobile phone, people can __________ you every where.

14. Technology gives __________ quality.

15. If you have Internet, you make __________ .

16. __________ use a wheelchair.

17. You use a __________ for keeping food fresh and cool.

18. __________ is the most important mass media.

19. Porsche is the __________ car in the world.

20. __________ is for making a fire.

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7. Sınıf İngilizce 13. Ünite Testi (Technology) 12 toplam 20 sorudan oluşmaktadır. Her bir soru 5 puandır. İngilizce testi çözün.

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