6. Sınıf İngilizce 2. Ünite Testi

Choose the correct answer.

1. Are these bees and birds?

2. ________ is her name?

3. The teacher is ________ the door.

4. The school isn’t open ________ the weekend.

5. What class are you in?

6. What is the second day of the week?

7. There are ________ months in a year.

8. It’s raining. ________.

9. ________ is the tenth month of the year.

10. This is Aysu’s ________.

11. What is this?

12. Today is Tuesday. What is tomorrow?

13. When is your English exam?

14. What time is it? (06:30)

15. ________ is the sixth day of the week.

16. It’s quarter past three.

17. 63rd

18. ________ is the last day of the week.

19. Spring is the ________ of the year.

20. Hakan is Cansu’s ________.

Benzer İngilizce Testler


gediman 24 Kasım 2014 18:14

çok güzeldi test

isimsiz 24 Kasım 2014 18:13

tamam herşey iyi güzelde açıklayıcı değil o yüzden beğenmedim

Eslem n. 24 Kasım 2014 18:05

Guzel sinifta 85 burda ise 95 aldim :)

isa p. 21 Kasım 2014 11:20

hiç güzel değil ;)

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